Xray 64 pitch Spur Gear

Xray 64 pitch Spur Gear

(Source: Xray)

Xray 64 pitch Spur Gear

Precision moulded 64 pitch gears for the XRAY touring cars. All gears are made from XRAY's exclusive secret blend of plastic, allowing the gear to run true, be super quiet and robust enough to handle low wind mod motors. The spur gears are strategically designed to have the lowest possible weight while keeping them strong and light. Each gear is stamped with a tooth number for easy identification.

Available in all popular sizes, allowing you to find the perfect gear ratio for any track.

305882 Spur Gear 112T/64
305884 Spur Gear 114T/64
305886 Spur Gear 116T/64
305888 Spur Gear 118T/64

Xray 64 pitch Spur Gear


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